php实现GSM Modem短信猫发短信。
正好手上有个GSM的modem。因为最近正迷php,所以不打算用其它的二次开发包之类的东西了。说干就干,晚上一回到家就开始找资料。这一查不要紧,你还别说,还真有用php干这事儿的。但是网上传来传去的都是那一篇通过串口+GSM MODEM发送短信示例。这个示例是windows平台下的,还用到了一个dll文件。我现在家里用的系统也换成ubuntu了,再说以后报警的服务器也是linux,总不能为了发个短信再专门换成windows系统吧。于是决定自己动手,用php的函数写linux下的程序,由此埋下了祸根。
功夫不负有心人啊,很快在国外的一个网站找到了一个php操作串口的类:php_serial。class。于是开始动手用minicom调试modem。因为在以前单位的时候,帮别人用超级终端调试过modem,所以命令还记得一些,很快,用at指令通过minicom发送短信成功(还好俺有两个手机,要不做个实验都没法做)。ok,改用php操作modem,用at指令发英文短信,成功!good。没想到这么顺利。取得了点小胜利的我不满足只发送英文短信,于是开始尝试发送中文短信。但是直接通过at指令输入中文,modem不买帐。收到的是空白短信。这可如何是好?于是开始细细研究网上那篇通过串口+GSM MODEM发送短信示例,于是知道了,想发送中文短信就得用pdu格式,于是又开始研究pdu格式怎么回事儿。一直到睡觉的点,也没从我的modem里发出中文来。不行,先睡觉。
一觉醒来,又细细看了一遍pdu的格式,并一遍一遍的细细学习通过串口+GSM MODEM发送短信示例的生成方法。经过一遍一遍的尝试终于可以收到一些乱码的中文了,又经过尝试终于收到了和发送字数相同的小方块的短信了。没办法到上班的点了,于是赶紧到单位。间隙的时候,问以前单位负责开始短信群发软件的同事小杨怎么用pdu格式发送短信。小杨告诉了我,要用到的at指令,以及pdu格式的生成方法,虽然没有帮我解决问题但是至少肯定了:1,我的操作方法是对的,因为可以成功收到短信;2,收到字数相等的方块,应该是编码的时候没处理好。晚上回到家又一遍一遍的看之前那篇文章,很不理解,为啥用同样的函数生成的字符串,最后的差距咋就那么大呢?边尝试边找资料,不经意间在网上我发现一篇文章说发送短信"晚上好123"的编码是:"665A4E0A597D003100320033"。我把这个串直接放到我程序里,一发送,嘿,你猜怎么着?还真收到了"晚上好123"。有点意思!于是,我也用我的函数生成"晚上好123",结果我发现了一个规律!
<?php include "php_serial.class.php"; //加载php操作串口的类 $serial = new phpSerial; //连接USB gas modem $serial->deviceSet("/dev/ttyUSB0"); $serial->deviceOpen(); //要发送的手机号:1531170xxxx $phone_sendto = InvertNumbers('861531170xxxx'); //要发送的短信:I am rainbird,i love 中国 $message = hex2str('I am rainbird,i love 中国'); $mess = "11000D91".$phone_sendto."000800".sprintf("%02X",strlen($message)/2).$message; $serial->sendMessage("at+cmgf=0".chr(13)); $serial->sendMessage("at+cmgs=".sprintf("%d",strlen($mess)/2).chr(13)); //不加短信中心号码 $serial->sendMessage('00'.$mess.chr(26)); //加短信中心号码 //$phone_center = InvertNumbers('8613800100500'); //$mess_ll = "0891".$phone_center.$mess; //$serial->sendMessage($mess_ll.chr(26)); //用完了就关掉,有始有终好习惯 $serial->deviceClose(); //将utf8的短信转成ucs2格式 function hex2str($str) { $hexstring=iconv("UTF-8", "UCS-2", $str); $str = ''; for($i=0; $i<strlen($hexstring)/2; $i++){ $str .= sprintf("%02X",ord(substr($hexstring,$i*2+1,1))); $str .= sprintf("%02X",ord(substr($hexstring,$i*2,1))); } return $str; } //手机号翻转,pdu格式要求 function InvertNumbers($msisdn) { $len = strlen($msisdn); if ( 0 != fmod($len, 2) ) { $msisdn .= "F"; $len = $len + 1; } for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i+=2) { $t = $msisdn[$i]; $msisdn[$i] = $msisdn[$i+1]; $msisdn[$i+1] = $t; } return $msisdn; } ?>其实如果只需要发送英文短信的话,只需要用php_serial。class连接modem并用at指令发短信就可以了。发送中文的时候才会用到pdu格式,当然用了pdu格式以后可以发混合的中英文。本文只作测试没有考虑短信最多只能发送74个汉字的情况,如需要请自行处理。
<?php define ("SERIAL_DEVICE_NOTSET", 0); define ("SERIAL_DEVICE_SET", 1); define ("SERIAL_DEVICE_OPENED", 2); class phpSerial { var $_device = null; var $_windevice = null; var $_dHandle = null; var $_dState = SERIAL_DEVICE_NOTSET; var $_buffer = ""; var $_os = ""; var $autoflush = true; function phpSerial () { setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US"); $sysname = php_uname(); if (substr($sysname, 0, 5) === "Linux") { $this->_os = "linux"; if($this->_exec("stty --version") === 0) { register_shutdown_function(array($this, "deviceClose")); } else { trigger_error("No stty availible, unable to run.", E_USER_ERROR); } } elseif(substr($sysname, 0, 7) === "Windows") { $this->_os = "windows"; register_shutdown_function(array($this, "deviceClose")); } else { trigger_error("Host OS is neither linux nor windows, unable tu run.", E_USER_ERROR); exit(); } } function deviceSet ($device) { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_OPENED) { if ($this->_os === "linux") { if (preg_match("@^COM(\d+):?$@i", $device, $matches)) { $device = "/dev/ttyS" . ($matches[1] - 1); } if ($this->_exec("stty -F " . $device) === 0) { $this->_device = $device; $this->_dState = SERIAL_DEVICE_SET; return true; } } elseif ($this->_os === "windows") { if (preg_match("@^COM(\d+):?$@i", $device, $matches) and $this->_exec(exec("mode " . $device)) === 0) { $this->_windevice = "COM" . $matches[1]; $this->_device = "\\.\com" . $matches[1]; $this->_dState = SERIAL_DEVICE_SET; return true; } } trigger_error("Specified serial port is not valid", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } else { trigger_error("You must close your device before to set an other one", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } function deviceOpen ($mode = "r+b") { if ($this->_dState === SERIAL_DEVICE_OPENED) { trigger_error("The device is already opened", E_USER_NOTICE); return true; } if ($this->_dState === SERIAL_DEVICE_NOTSET) { trigger_error("The device must be set before to be open", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if (!preg_match("@^[raw]\+?b?$@", $mode)) { trigger_error("Invalid opening mode : ".$mode.". Use fopen() modes.", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $this->_dHandle = @fopen($this->_device, $mode); if ($this->_dHandle !== false) { stream_set_blocking($this->_dHandle, 0); $this->_dState = SERIAL_DEVICE_OPENED; return true; } $this->_dHandle = null; trigger_error("Unable to open the device", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } function deviceClose () { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_OPENED) { return true; } if (fclose($this->_dHandle)) { $this->_dHandle = null; $this->_dState = SERIAL_DEVICE_SET; return true; } trigger_error("Unable to close the device", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } function confBaudRate ($rate) { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_SET) { trigger_error("Unable to set the baud rate : the device is either not set or opened", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $validBauds = array ( 110 => 11, 150 => 15, 300 => 30, 600 => 60, 1200 => 12, 2400 => 24, 4800 => 48, 9600 => 96, 19200 => 19, 38400 => 38400, 57600 => 57600, 115200 => 115200 ); if (isset($validBauds[$rate])) { if ($this->_os === "linux") { $ret = $this->_exec("stty -F " . $this->_device . " " . (int) $rate, $out); } elseif ($this->_os === "windows") { $ret = $this->_exec("mode " . $this->_windevice . " BAUD=" . $validBauds[$rate], $out); } else return false; if ($ret !== 0) { trigger_error ("Unable to set baud rate: " . $out[1], E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } } function confParity ($parity) { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_SET) { trigger_error("Unable to set parity : the device is either not set or opened", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $args = array( "none" => "-parenb", "odd" => "parenb parodd", "even" => "parenb -parodd", ); if (!isset($args[$parity])) { trigger_error("Parity mode not supported", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ($this->_os === "linux") { $ret = $this->_exec("stty -F " . $this->_device . " " . $args[$parity], $out); } else { $ret = $this->_exec("mode " . $this->_windevice . " PARITY=" . $parity{0}, $out); } if ($ret === 0) { return true; } trigger_error("Unable to set parity : " . $out[1], E_USER_WARNING); return false; } function confCharacterLength ($int) { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_SET) { trigger_error("Unable to set length of a character : the device is either not set or opened", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $int = (int) $int; if ($int < 5) $int = 5; elseif ($int > 8) $int = 8; if ($this->_os === "linux") { $ret = $this->_exec("stty -F " . $this->_device . " cs" . $int, $out); } else { $ret = $this->_exec("mode " . $this->_windevice . " DATA=" . $int, $out); } if ($ret === 0) { return true; } trigger_error("Unable to set character length : " .$out[1], E_USER_WARNING); return false; } function confStopBits ($length) { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_SET) { trigger_error("Unable to set the length of a stop bit : the device is either not set or opened", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ($length != 1 and $length != 2 and $length != 1.5 and !($length == 1.5 and $this->_os === "linux")) { trigger_error("Specified stop bit length is invalid", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ($this->_os === "linux") { $ret = $this->_exec("stty -F " . $this->_device . " " . (($length == 1) ? "-" : "") . "cstopb", $out); } else { $ret = $this->_exec("mode " . $this->_windevice . " STOP=" . $length, $out); } if ($ret === 0) { return true; } trigger_error("Unable to set stop bit length : " . $out[1], E_USER_WARNING); return false; } function confFlowControl ($mode) { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_SET) { trigger_error("Unable to set flow control mode : the device is either not set or opened", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $linuxModes = array( "none" => "clocal -crtscts -ixon -ixoff", "rts/cts" => "-clocal crtscts -ixon -ixoff", "xon/xoff" => "-clocal -crtscts ixon ixoff" ); $windowsModes = array( "none" => "xon=off octs=off rts=on", "rts/cts" => "xon=off octs=on rts=hs", "xon/xoff" => "xon=on octs=off rts=on", ); if ($mode !== "none" and $mode !== "rts/cts" and $mode !== "xon/xoff") { trigger_error("Invalid flow control mode specified", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if ($this->_os === "linux") $ret = $this->_exec("stty -F " . $this->_device . " " . $linuxModes[$mode], $out); else $ret = $this->_exec("mode " . $this->_windevice . " " . $windowsModes[$mode], $out); if ($ret === 0) return true; else { trigger_error("Unable to set flow control : " . $out[1], E_USER_ERROR); return false; } } function setSetserialFlag ($param, $arg = "") { if (!$this->_ckOpened()) return false; $return = exec ("setserial " . $this->_device . " " . $param . " " . $arg . " 2>&1"); if ($return{0} === "I") { trigger_error("setserial: Invalid flag", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } elseif ($return{0} === "/") { trigger_error("setserial: Error with device file", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } else { return true; } } function sendMessage ($str, $waitForReply = 0.1) { $this->_buffer .= $str; if ($this->autoflush === true) $this->flush(); usleep((int) ($waitForReply * 1000000)); } function readPort ($count = 0) { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_OPENED) { trigger_error("Device must be opened to read it", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ($this->_os === "linux") { $content = ""; $i = 0; if ($count !== 0) { do { if ($i > $count) $content .= fread($this->_dHandle, ($count - $i)); else $content .= fread($this->_dHandle, 128); } while (($i += 128) === strlen($content)); } else { do { $content .= fread($this->_dHandle, 128); } while (($i += 128) === strlen($content)); } return $content; } elseif ($this->_os === "windows") { /* Do nohting : not implented yet */ } trigger_error("Reading serial port is not implemented for Windows", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } function flush () { if (!$this->_ckOpened()) return false; if (fwrite($this->_dHandle, $this->_buffer) !== false) { $this->_buffer = ""; return true; } else { $this->_buffer = ""; trigger_error("Error while sending message", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } function _ckOpened() { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_OPENED) { trigger_error("Device must be opened", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return true; } function _ckClosed() { if ($this->_dState !== SERIAL_DEVICE_CLOSED) { trigger_error("Device must be closed", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return true; } function _exec($cmd, &$out = null) { $desc = array( 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w") ); $proc = proc_open($cmd, $desc, $pipes); $ret = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); $err = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); $retVal = proc_close($proc); if (func_num_args() == 2) $out = array($ret, $err); return $retVal; } } ?>